Join our Alumni Assoication.

Donate to reach out to the many, many underprivileged children who are looking for a helping hand to pull them out of the vicious cycle of poverty,inadequate education and unemployment, and make a difference to their lives, Together we can provide deserving underprivileged students the holistic education that is their right, and help them a secure future.And also be a part of the ripple effect that will shape a better world.

Welcome To MHSS Alumni Association

On 15th August 2021, We being the Alumni called Mr Fareed, Assistant Head Master, MHSS, and informed him about our wish to form an Alumni Association for our MHSS. We got an appointment to meet the Head Master and Assistant Head Master. On 17th August 2021 we visited our Muslim Higher Secondary School (MHSS) which took us to the nostalgic state of our childhood memories.


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